School Mums

School Mum Sessions

How often do you and your school mum friends say
“I wish I was slimmer”
“I wish I could lose my mum-tum’
“I don’t fit into any of my clothes’
“I wish I had time to exercise’
“I wish I looked as fit as her”
“I wish I had her energy”

Well why not do something about it together?

Fitmuma can meet you and your other Muma friends at the school gates at drop off, at the home of one of your mum friends or at a location that Fitmuma herself uses.


What you’ll get

  • A fun and effective workout (children are welcome)
  • Group Whatsapp where Laura will set you weekly homework and challenges as individuals and as a team)
  • Block booked sessions will have FREE homeoworkout videos made and access to the
  • Busy Mums Homeworkout Academy (more info on the Busy Mums Homeworkout Academy)

Single Session – £40 (Split between all that attend)

Block of 6 – £230 (Split between all that attend)

  • The workout
  • Free Access to the Fitmuma Busy Mums Homeworkout academy
  • Group Whatsapp support and weekly challenges


I love being able to bring my 2 year old boy, he can potter around with his toys and isn’t stuck in a buggy or playpen. Being able to fit in a workout at a time that works for us, the school run and toddlers naps!
Having a lovely chat while I’m working out. As it’s a small group Laura can personalise the exercises for our individual needs.

I enjoy working out with friends, but having a class tailored towards my personal needs. It is then a double bonus that I can bring my toddler with me where she can nap, play or workout with me if needed.

Exercising with people I feel comfortable around.
Being able to work out with my 1 year old. Xx

It is great having a specialist workout which addresses post pregnancy issues such as diastasis. And exercising with friends in a home environment makes it much more enjoyable. X



Need more information or just want to chat? I would love to hear from you!

Just complete the enquiry form to get in touch.


Enquiry Form

14 + 15 =