HCR (R) C-Section Recovery Programme

HCR (R) C-Section Recovery Programme

C-Section Recovery is challenging for many women and a deeper approach is required to ensure that their recovery is truly an inside-out affair. Just like the Diastasis Recti client, there needs to be a deep assessment of the woman’s core strength and connection and then a programme involving hands on massage therapies, nutrition, scar tissue release, postural re-alignment work before we finally get to the ‘core restoring’ exercise part of the puzzle. C-Section mums simply need more help and the HCR® Coaches are deeply trained to assist you in your deep recovery and return to awesome, fully functional abdominals.

No matter how long ago you experienced a C-Section type incision and for whatever reason, if you are experiencing discomfort, the C-Section Recovery Programme will probably give you the freedom and better looking tummy, that you thought wasn’t possible ever again.

In the UK nearly 1/4 of births are via C-Section and many more women experience the procedure throughout their lives for other gynaecological procedures yet there is no real guidance on how to heal successfully from such a major procedure and successfully reconnect to the core never mind deal with the soft-tissue issues (adhesions and scar tissue) that arise from these types of procedures.

And thanks to the continual rise in gynaecological conditions that require entry to the Pelvic Cavity via the C-Section procedure and the rise in Hysterectomy for the menopausal woman, the need for an holistic programme that addresses the need for a growing and sizeable portion of any countries female population is way overdue.

And with not a sit-up in sight, this is all about healing INSIDE OUT and smart, modern movement programming to get your Core ‘fit’ and functioning again! The emphasis is squarely on these fundamental pillars that help us to create a BESPOKE programme for you! No one-size fits all here!

What’s Your Next Step?

Once connected with your Fitmuma, she’ll take you through our unique screening process. It’s extensive and thorough but this ensures you get the help you deserve and need because we fully understand your health journey and what you hope to achieve.

Once you’ve been screened and it’s agreed that the programme is the right fit for you, you’ll enter the world of Holistic Core Restore® whereby your Coach will take you through the C-Section Recovery Programme which is typically a mix of Soft Tissue Therapy, Breath Rehab, Optimal Nutrition Guidance and Movement Prescription. So, regardless of the reason for your C-Section, regardless how long ago you experienced your surgery, we deeply believe that this programme will improve your outcomes and reconnect you with your precious body!

If this programme speaks to you, we sincerely invite you to get in touch. We’d be delighted to help you with your recovery!

What’s Involved

On application to join this offering, you’ll be asked to complete our HCR Red Flag Pre-Screen to decide if this programme is right for you or whether you need clinical attention. If you’re a great fit…..

You’ll then begin the ‘take-on’ process with Laura whether you are working LIVE (in-person) or virtually.

This offering is ALWAYS utterly bespoke and Laura is taught to completely tailor her advice to your needs and ‘meet you EXACTLY where you are now’ by supporting this lifephase with real-world solutions and support over a time-frame that suits your needs.

This offering typically includes Soft Tissue Therapy (Massage) as an adjunct to movement prescription and of course, it wouldn’t be HCR if we didn’t include clear guidance on easy nutrition to support your recovery.

Because educating women is our priority, you’ll also receive our ‘Client Education Booklet’ and suggestions for homework and self-care to further improve upon your time with your Coach AND YOUR RESULTS.

For the ‘exercise’ portion of this programme, there may also be access to our ONLINE PORTAL or your Coach will create a bespoke programme for you from scratch. Either way, you’ll be massively supported on what you need to do and when to get the best results possible.


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