Where our Mums know ‘Taking care of yourself is part of taking care of the family’

The Fitmuma Hub is an online centre for busy mums who want to get healthier and fitter with the ‘Mum guilt’ taken away

Our workouts can be done anywhere, at any time of the day, in your Pjs and with your kids at your side. Workouts are pelvic floor friendly with intensity option to go at your pace.

Our Hub is also for mums of any age and with very grown up kids! Once a mum always a mum!

The secret to a fitter you is consistency and with our easy and short workouts there are no excuses.


Laura has created this program knowing mums often complain that they don’t have time to exercise. You do not need an hour at the gym! It’s about doing exercise regularly and as part of your routine and positive habits. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

Laura created this program so you don’t have obstacles like I ‘don’t have time’ ”I don’t have childcare’ I feel guilty for doing something for me.’

12 minutes a day is doable.

Laura is an international athlete and mum of two and mainly trains for no longer than 20 minutes at a go as she simply can’t find longer time slots. So if it’s worked to get her ‘ match fit’ it will work for you too.

This program will help you to achieve a healthier and happier body in a safe way and will save you time with quick workouts.

What does it include?

✓ For those wanting to take part in ‘Live classes’ you will be given the chance to participate in up to three 20- 30 minute length classes a week with Fitmuma founder Laura. Classes are Monday, Thursday and Friday 930-10 am
✓ For those that cannot make the live classes, you will be given access to the recordings that same day.
✓ Short on time? We have that covered. You will have access to over one hundred 5-12 minute long homeworkout videos which are fun and short with no equipment ( extra option for workouts with equipment).
✓ Bi monthly learning topics by Founder and Guest speakers on everything you need to know to be a ‘fitmuma’
✓ Education and tips about nutrition and fitness to help you achieve a healthy and active lifestyl
✓ Sample recipes
✓ A 14 day food plan
✓ Daily challenges will be set for you every Sunday as a tool to help re-energise during your daily slump
✓ Weekly overall goals will be set on a Sunday to help keep you focused
✓ Weekly team challenges will be set for those that get motivated by having common goals.
✓ Sundays are for you to set your ‘7 steps to success’ A proven method to help keep you focused on reaching your goals
✓ Tuesdays will be for a new weekly recipe
✓ Wednesdays, we will share you some new Motivation
✓ Thursdays are for ‘accountability’ checkins so that we make sure you don’t lapse towards the end of the week and over the weekend.
✓ Access to a Facebook group where you will get support from our online community and your coach of course. And where you can ask all your questions.
✓ Bonus: stretch workout videos
✓ Bonus: activating pelvic floor video
✓ Bonus: back and hip release workout
✓ Bonus: Videos explaining need for glute workout
✓ A bank of gym sessions to follow if you can make it to the gym.

This program is for you if;

✓ You think you are too busy to exercise
✓ You don’t have time to go to the gym
✓ You don’t know where to start
✓ You have no help with childcare
✓ You always have ‘mum guilt’ when attempting exercising
✓ You are on a budget
✓ You don’t want to feel guilty for leaving kids at home whilst you exercise
✓ You don’t know where to start
✓ You work and don’t think you have time ( we will show you how you can fit it in without it becoming stressful)
✓ Everyone takes priority except you
✓ You want to get fitter and stronger to have more energy and patience for mum roles
✓ You want to be less snapp
✓ You want to look and feel confident and attractive
✓ You are nervous
✓ You don’t feel like the you that you want to feel like
✓ You want to have someone to be accountable too
✓ You need people to motivate you
✓ You need something that can fit in the nooks and crannies of life
✓ You need someone to tell you what to do
✓ You want to feel apart of something
✓ You don’t want a fad diet and would like to learn how to make healthier choices for you and your family without following a fad diet

*Please note for anyone with an abdominal separation and/or pelvic floor issues or given birth non c-section ( within 6 weeks) or c-section (12 weeks) you must make yourself known so that the founder can advise you.


Follow this, let Laura help you, don’t hide and you will see results!

Think about how great it will be when you feel fitter, healthier, happier, less stressed, more motivated?

Don’t wait, feel better NOW!



Do you need a class in your area? Would you like to book a class and find out more? Or, would you like to become a Fitmuma Instructor? I would love to hear from you!

Just complete the enquiry form to get in touch.


Enquiry Form

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